
Last Updated: 4/30/2018
Contact: [email protected]

We are creating content to go on existing pages next to examples of resumes and resume templates.

Target Audience:
People looking for careers/jobs.


Professional yet engaging tone. Informational/Helpful. We are providing tips in the form of questions and answers to add to the page alongside the resume sample.

Do’s and Don’ts

  • Please use the Oxford (serial) comma.
  • Use active voiceNO passive voice! Use this free grammar checker.
  • For this client, “jobseeker” is one word.
  • “Skill set” is two words
  • Do not use the word “highlight” unless it is part of the question you are using. Some readers take this literally and highlight portions of the resume, which is not appropriate. Instead, use phrases such as “illuminate,” “draw attention to,” and “point out.”
  • Don’t use “OK.” Please spell out the word “okay.”
  • Don’t write the word “percent.” Use the symbol “%” instead.
  • Don’t refer to a “dream job.” Instead, talk about “the job you want” or something similar.
  • Please spellcheck for the word “manger” and change it to “manager.”

Keyword – “[industry] resume templates” with the actual industry from column D of the spreadsheet substituted for [industry]. Use title case in headers and lower case in running text. Use the keyword 5 – 8 times within the body of the article, beginning with the introduction. (Any keywords above the Introduction do not count toward keyword density, but those in the headers beginning with the introduction section header through the end do count.)

Write at an 8th-grade reading level: This guideline has been eliminated – no need to check the reading level.


  • Please add 2-3 external links with html code [ <a href=”url”>ANCHOR</a> ] (See HTML tab for important information on how to include the code properly, specifically how to use straight quotes rather than curly quotes.)
  • When researching and writing this article, use well-sourced external resources such as The Muse, NYTimes, Forbes, and Times. PLEASE AVOID using a competitor, The Balance.
  • Feel free to pull research from reputable .edu sources such as Columbia Career Education, USFCA Career Services, Carnegie Mellon Career and Professional Development Center, UC Berkeley Career Center, or similar sites. You may also pull research from trustworthy .gov and .org sites such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Society for Human Resource Management, or O*net.
  • You may include a few internal links from some of BOLD’s in-house companies including, Mighty Recruiter, My Perfect Resume, Resume Builder and Resume Now. For instance, you could include a link to an individual job title resume sample in the [job title] Resume Template sections as long as it is from one of the BOLD family of companies. You could include this link and anchor text for the resume builder: <a href=””>resume builder</a>

Word Count
– Between 800 and 950 words.(You will be paid for 860 words) The Title, Metatitle, Metadescription, H1, Hero Image Blurb, and CTA Button do not figure into the word count. The title for the Introduction section “|Find the Perfect [Industry] Resume Templates|” does count as part of your word count. Please stay within ranges listed below for all sections.

  • |Title|Use exact Title: 100+ Professional [Industry] Resume Templates –
  • |Metatitle| Use exact Metatitle given: 100+ Free [Industry] Resume Templates –
  • |Metadescription| – (approximately 275 – 315 characters, including spaces)
  • |Hero Image Blurb (This includes the H1 and a blurb to go with it)
  • H1Use this title for the H1 – Free [Industry] Resume Templates for Industry Professionals
  • Blurb: 80 – 90 characters (including spaces)
  • CTA BUTTON: Use exact words: Create My Resume
  • |Find the Perfect [Industry] Resume Templates| Note to writers. This is an Introduction (175 – 225 words)
  • |[Job Title] Resume Template| (Approximately 500 words) – Five 100-word blurbs – one for each job title in column E, and include a header for each.
  • |Additional Popular [Industry] Resume Templates|- (Approximately 50 words) 
  • |Additional [Industry] Resources| – no specific word count

Format: Open accordion boxes below and follow specifics for each section.

Please include the HTML code within the document for the internal and external links you use. It should look like this:

<a href=”URL you want to link to”>anchor text</a>


Take a look at our <a href=””>busser resume sample</a> for additional information.

Very Important: The quotation marks need to be straight quotes, rather than smart quotes.

If your Word default is set to use “curly” or “smart” quotes, sometimes you get a front quote at the end of your quote (or in this case, link) and vice versa. This causes the URL to be incorrect. Here is the way to correct the problem:

In Word, go to File, select Options and then Proofing, Click on AutoCorrect options.

Select the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab. The box next to – Replace as you type – “Straight quotes” with “smart quotes” may be checked – please uncheck this box. We only want the straight quotes, not the smart quotes.

You will need to select OK at the bottom of this screen and again on the proofing screen after this one disappears, to change the default. We want to use straight quotes because they are recognized at the beginning and end of the link in the HTML code. You need to fix the default and then retype the quote marks into your code

Very Important: Do not put spaces around the anchor text. Within the code, there should not be a space either before or after the anchor text. In other words, the pattern is like this:  <a href=“https://website you are linking to”>anchor text</a>. The problem is that if you have spaces within the code, the client gets double spaces when they post it. BOLD asked us to remove spaces from within the code.


For additional information, check out our <a href=”>medical surgery nurse resume sample</a>.

Please ask questions if you don’t understand what is needed.

Save as: ID # – [Industry] Resume Templates – RB

Example: 13 – Science Resume Templates – RB

Send completed content to [email protected] and please put “BOLD – ID # – [Industry] Resume Templates – RB” in the subject line of your email.


100+ Professional Food and Beverage Resume Templates –


100+ Free Food and Beverage Resume Templates –


Choose the right resume for any type of job from our large collection of food and beverage resume templates. We make it simple to compare and customize resume designs for bartender, busser, cook, and related food and beverage positions and create a resume that will help you get the job you want.

|Hero Image Blurb|

|H1:| Free Food and Beverage Resume Templates for Industry Professionals

See top resume templates for the food and beverage industry with job-specific examples.

CTA BUTTON: Create My Resume

|Find the Perfect Food and Beverage Resume Templates|

The food and beverage industry is always developing and changing. Job market experts predict that this field will grow at a <a href=””>steady rate</a> over the next several years. The forecast for restaurant positions is even <a href=””>brighter</a>. The number of food processing jobs is also growing, but at a slightly slower rate.

We have food and beverage resume templates for bar, restaurant, or processing positions. These resumes have been written by real people in the industry and provide an excellent starting point for you. Begin by comparing samples and choosing a design. Learn how to meet or exceed employer expectations in every resume section. Find out which skills are best to include. Our templates and writing tools can help you format and fill out your document. Find out how to write a resume that will make a positive impression on employers.

If you are seeking a job in food service, we can help you write a resume that shows off your cooking skills. Hosts and servers usually need business and service skills. Food or beverage processing may call for other traits. No matter what kind of job you want, we have templates that can help you get hired.

|Bartender Resume Template|

A professional resume can help you land the bartending position you want. This job is growing at a <a href=””>slower rate</a> than other food and beverage jobs. The right resume template for a bartender may depend on your experience and skills. If you have worked at a bar before, you should choose a design that emphasizes your experience. Try to focus on the skills you bring to a bartender position if you are changing careers. You should also choose a template design that suits the establishment where you want to work.

|Cook Resume Template|

A resume for a cook position should be informative and organized. Explain the extent of your experience and cover any relevant skills and training. Try to make it easy for employers to get a sense of your abilities and areas of specialization. A solid resume can help a restaurant manager decide whether you are the best choice for a cook position. Use one of our top food and beverage resume templates to stand out from the competition. We have many templates designs for different cook or chef jobs.

|Host Hostess Resume Template|

Hosts and hostesses fill some of the most visible positions in a restaurant setting. Applicants should have excellent communication skills, thrive under pressure, and love solving problems.

Start by matching the type of restaurant where you want to work with a resume template design. Consider an elegant layout when applying to a high-end restaurant. You might choose a simple and straightforward design instead for a casual cafe. A great resume can help you get hired even if you have never worked as a host or hostess before. The right template can help you present yourself to employers as a professional.

|Food Processing Resume Template|

Food processing jobs often call for a very different set of skills than food service jobs. You may not need any customer service skills to fill a position in food preparation or packaging. A successful candidate may point out his or her ability to operate machinery. Employees sometimes need to perform regular inspections. Some positions may call for candidates to learn how to process or package food as well.

Resumes for food processing positions should be clean and organized. Personalize one of our food and beverage resume templates. Make your piece reflect the requirements for this role as well as your own unique strengths.

|Busser Resume Template|

Bussers play a major part in keeping customers and food moving through a restaurant. Applicants for a busser position should identify the necessary qualifications. These involve a combination of physical strength, organizational skills, and good time management. A busser’s standard duties include serving food and clearing tables. Depending on how busy a restaurant gets, managers may ask bussers to perform more tasks.

Once you decide which skills to include, you are ready to start writing your resume. This document should cover your relevant abilities and experience in food service establishments. Browse or search our template collection to find the best busser template.

|Additional Popular Food and Beverage Resume Templates|

These are just a few selections from our large collection of food and beverage resume templates. Search for designs for other positions in this industry. You can find templates for prep cooks, sommeliers, servers, and more. We base our examples and layouts on real resumes from jobseekers in this field.

|Additional Food and Beverage Resources|

  • <a href =””>Bureau of Labor Statistics</a>:  Find out about the number of jobs and rate of employment change in the food and beverage field. This federal agency gathers statistics on pay, education, and experience levels.
  • <a href =”″>O*NET OnLine</a>: Learn more about food and beverage jobs from this occupational guide.
  • <a href=””>National Restaurant Association</a>: This group tracks service industry jobs and trends and publishes their findings.


100+ Professional Performing Arts Resume Templates –


100+ Free Performing Arts Resume Templates –


A show-stopping resume is your golden ticket to a performing arts job. Prepare for career success by tailoring your professional document to a specific job. We offer expert guidance and an inspiring collection of performing arts resume templates based on real-world jobs.

|Hero Image Blurb|

|H1:| Free Performing Arts Resume Templates for Industry Professionals

Browse templates and job-specific examples of professional performing arts resumes.

CTA BUTTON: Create My Resume

|Find the Perfect Performing Arts Resume Templates|

Good news! The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a bright outlook for performing artists. The agency expects these jobs to grow at the same rate or faster than the average for all professions. Public demand for new movies, television shows, recordings, and performances fuels this growth. The BLS also expects more job competition as the number of performers grows.

Use performing arts resume templates to help you get a leg up on the competition. Your performing arts resume is your professional calling card or elevator speech. It is the first impression you make on a prospective employer. As such, you want it to soar above the rest and receive a standing ovation. A winning strategy is to tailor your document to a specific job by including industry requirements. You want to show employers you have the skills, experience, and education to excel in the position.

We offer you guidance on including industry requirements and skills in your resume. We also provide a number of performing arts resume templates.  Whether you’re an actor, director, or musician, choose the template that fits you best. These real-world examples will help you decide which skills and experiences to include in your document.

|Actor Resume Template|

Acting is a social profession. Make sure you present yourself as a “people person” on your resume. List your speaking, active listening, reading, and social perceptiveness skills. Also, mention your creative projects with actors, directors, playwrights, and colleagues. These examples tell employers you are a team player. Don’t forget to show your interest in people and culture, too. Provide examples of your knowledge of fine arts, languages, communications, sociology, and psychology. Include your experience as a volunteer museum interpreter, for example. Check out more <a href=””>acting resume samples</a> for additional ideas.

|Director Resume Template|

Most employers want directors to have a four-year bachelor’s degree. List your higher education degrees and any relevant certifications or training, such as technical lighting or set design. In today’s industry, directors must also have technology skills. Think about any graphics, word processing, video creation, music, and editing software you use.

Skilled directors have critical thinking, active listening, and decision-making skills. Tie these into your work experiences. Perhaps you developed a process for making rehearsals more efficient, for example. Browse our performing arts resume templates for examples of directors’ documents.

|Dancer Resume Template|

Employers expect dancers to have strength, stamina, and flexibility. They also often want you to have previous work-related skill, experience, or knowledge. List any training, apprenticeships, or certifications in your resume. Include your professional dancing experiences and roles. Other skills that employers seek in dancers include active listening, instructing, and strategic learning. Give examples of these abilities. To make yourself stand out, show off your performing arts knowledge. For example, include a performance solo, a choreography course, or a costuming workshop. Study this <a href=”″>dancer resume sample</a> for more ideas.

|Performing Artist Resume Template|

Whether you are a rapper or an aerialist, employers want you to perform for or work with the public. Developing relationships with people is an important skill, too. Performing artists often rely on other professionals for their art. Include your performances and projects in your resume. Show employers your commitment to your art by providing examples of specialty training. Voice lessons or mime workshops show off your unique qualities. Put a spotlight on your performing accomplishments, too. For more ideas, take a look at <a href=”″>one of our performing arts resume templates</a>.

|Musician Resume Template|

Most musician employers want you to have a four-year bachelor’s degree. List your higher education degree and any work-related experience or training. If you specialize in an instrument or vocal style, include this in your resume. Be as specific as possible and provide your highest level of training. Bring up your involvement in musical groups not related to work, too. These kinds of experiences show employers your dedication to your art. Finally, musicians must have active listening, critical thinking, and coordination skills. List these abilities, as well as any others involving interactions with the public. Browse our resume templates for examples of musicians’ documents.

|Additional Popular Performing Arts Resume Templates|

How would you like to gain insight and draw inspiration from some more examples? Browse additional resume templates written by performing arts professionals. Our popular real-world samples provide ideas on how to create a show-stopping resume for success in the performing arts industry.

|Additional Performing Arts Resources|

  • <a href=”″>My Next Move</a>: A dynamic resource for jobseekers and students, My Next Move helps visitors learn more about their chosen career path. The website details occupational tasks, skills, and salary information for more than 900 careers.
  • <a href=””>Bureau of Labor Statistics</a>: Find workplace statistics, trends, and earnings related to the performing arts industry. The BLS, a federal agency, presents data for use by jobseekers, employers, professionals, students, and researchers.
  • <a href=””>O*Net Online</a>: O*Net Online provides information for jobseekers, businesses, and human resources professionals. Browse listings of performing arts occupations and get detailed reports on the tasks, skills, knowledge, and salary information for specific occupations.
Style Guide Info

See Style Guide tab above for overview. Then look at individual accordion boxes below for full information on what is required for each section.

Title, Metatitle, Meta Description, Hero Image Blurb, H1, CTA Button

Note: Keywords included in these sections do not count toward keyword density. None of these sections count as part of the word count.


  • Put the title header |Title| above your title. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.
  • Your title should be as follows:
    100+ Professional [Industry] Resume Templates – ResumeBuilder.orgUse the actual industry from column D of the spreadsheet in place of the word [Industry].



100+ Professional Performing Arts Resume Templates –


  • Put the title header |Metatitle| above your metatitle. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.
  • Your metatitle should be as follows:
    100+ Free [Industry] Resume Templates  | ResumeBuilder.orgUse the actual industry from column D of the spreadsheet in place of the word [Industry].



100+ Free Performing Arts Resume Templates |


  • Put the title header |Metadescription| above your meta description. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.
  • Don’t go over 320 characters. See basic training for Meta Descriptions here.
  • Write an approximately 300-character description, including spaces, that explains how important resumes are and that we can help with our real-world resume templates as well as resume writing tips tailored to the job.
  • This description should be interesting and engaging; additionally, it should compel users to click on the page.
  • Please include the keyword once.



A show-stopping resume is your golden ticket to a performing arts job. Prepare for career success by tailoring your professional document to a specific job. We offer expert guidance and an inspiring collection of performing arts resume templates based on real-world jobs.

|Hero Image Blurb|

Put the title header |Hero Image Blurb| above your blurb. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.

Write the hero image blurb title as given, with the industry from column D of the spreadsheet in place of [Industry].

|H1:| Free [Industry] Resume Templates for Industry Professionals

Then write an 80 – 90 character blurb (including spaces) that can accompany the title and provide more info about what readers will learn from the page.Tailor this to be industry-specific.


|Hero Image Blurb|

|H1:| Free Engineering Resume Templates for Industry Professionals

Review top-performing resume templates with job-specific examples. See 100’s of user-generated professional resumes.


After the hero image blurb, please put the following CTA button:

CTA BUTTON: Create My Resume

Introduction – Find the Perfect [industry] Resume Templates

|Find the Perfect [industry] Resume Templates|
[175 – 225 words] Use keyword once.

  • Put the  header |Find the Perfect [industry] Resume Templates| above this section. – do not include the word “introduction.” Use the industry from column D of the spreadsheet. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.
  • Write approximately 200 words about how important it is to create a strong resume tailored to a specific job. Let the reader know that this page includes how to utilize both industry requirements (eg. what skills / experience / education employers in this field value) and the reader’s industry-based skills on their resume to make writing a resume quick and easy.
  • Let the readers know that they will find industry-specific resume templates on this page based off of existing job titles and written by real professionals within their industry.
  • Utilize industry statistics and research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( and O*NET ( when writing this section.
  • Please include the keyword in the first 100 words of this section.


|Find the Perfect Performing Arts Resume Templates|

Job Title Resume Template

|[Job Title] Resume Template|
Five sections, approximately 100 words each (450 – 550 words total). Include keyword naturally a few times in these sections.

  • Put the title header |[Job Title] Resume Template| above each of the five sections, using job titles from column E of the spreadsheet. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters. (see Example tabs)
  • Write 100-word blurbs for each of the five industry job titles. Use the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( and O*NET ( combined with the Resume Best Practices to write job-specific advice and requirements for how to write the perfect resume.

Additional Resource: Resume Best Practices

Additional Popular [Industry] Resume Templates

|Additional Popular [Industry] Resume Templates|
Word Count: approximately 50 wordsKeyword once


  • Put the title header |Additional Popular [Industry] Resume Templates| above this section. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.
  • Write a 50-word blurb inviting the reader to view additional resume templates written by real-world professionals for additional research and inspiration.
Additional [Industry] Resources

|Additional [Industry] Resources|
Word Count: Unspecified – whatever it takes.

  • Put the title header |Additional [Industry] Resources| above this section. Make sure there are no spaces between the pipe characters and the letters.
  • Create a bullet list of at least three resources where jobseekers can find additional advice and information about the state of their industry. See example below
  • You may use the and O*Net resources for any industry – just be sure to use the URL for the specific industry you are writing about.

EXAMPLE:|Additional Accounting Resources|

  • <a href=””>Bureau of Labor Statistics</a>: This federal agency measures labor market activity, working conditions, and potential growth by industry and job level. Find up-to-date information her to aid in your career-related decision making.
  • <a href=””>The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants</a>: Provides up-to-date knowledge, resources, and advocacy for Certified Public Accountants(CPA’s) and Charted Global Management Accountants(CGMAs)
  • <a href=”″>O*Net Online: Find detailed descriptions on the world of accountants for use by jobseekers, professionals, students, and researchers.