Welcome Aboard!

We are so excited to have you write for us, and we are confident you’ll be able to add a great deal to our family of writers. 

Congratulations! You’re about to jump on board our WEB team. There are many benefits to this, such as starting at a higher rate, but there is also a lot of information to cover.

During your first few weeks there will be a learning curve, so PLEASE feel free to ask a lot of questions and get help if you are struggling. Your contact during this period will be Amber at [email protected]. We really do appreciate all of our writers and look to take care of them. We encourage open and honest communication and feel like it is the best way to create meaningful relationships.

The following training pages contain vital information on company culture, policies and procedures, and tips for success. The more you familiarize yourself with how things run at BKA, the faster you’ll be able to hit the ground running.

Start Strong.

Now that you’re one of the team, we expect you to stay committed to the following:


Be Reliable

Meet your deadlines, follow company guidelines, and have integrity in all aspects of your work. If we can consistently count on you, we’ll give you opportunities for higher-paying projects!


Provide Great Content

Strive for excellence in what you do, and be dedicated to our company pledge to always create 100% original content.


Make Us Better

At BKA, we’re more than a company. We’re a team, and we value your input. Share with us your strengths and insight. Reach out with questions or ideas to help us improve.

Ready To Go?

Click on the button below to begin the course.

Course Information

Course Instructor

BKA Training BKA Training Author