
Last Updated: 9.17.2018
Contact: [email protected]


Hawksem is a company that provides content and website support to their own clients. One of the services they provide is the updating of Meta descriptions.

For this project, writers will be creating meta descriptions for each URL provided by Hawksem. Search engines show meta descriptions in search results to help individuals know what is on the linked URL page.




Interesting – must give information yet make someone want to click on the associated link.


  • Please open the URL and decide if it is best to use ONE or BOTH of the phrases used in the Page Title (column D).


  • Please create 1-2 sentences that show:
    • What the page (linked to the provided URL) is and
    • Why someone might want to click on it.
  • Each Meta Description should be between 145 and 159 characters long. Please do NOT exceed 159 characters! 
  • Do not use any guarantees or certainties.  For instance, do NOT say “Al-Anon will help family members.”  Instead please say
    Al-Anon may help family members” or Al-Anon’s goal is to help family members”.



  • Save each batch of Meta Description as the complete Page Title from Column D with the pipe character (|) and any other special characters removed + identifying numbers.
    • Example: (I Awakened to My Own Life Al-Anon Family Groups – 151-155).
  • Paste the same title as above in column M.
  • Open Submit Form and fill out one form for EACH item in your batch. Fields include:
    • URL (Copy and Paste from Column C)
    • Page Title (Copy and Paste from Column D)
    • Identification Number (Copy and Paste from Column E)
    • Meta Description you have written (Copy and paste from your word doc)
  • Email each batch separately to [email protected] with the subject listed as Hawksem Meta Descriptions.

Add Calendar Event | Al-Anon Family Groups

Fill out this form to suggest a calendar event for the Al-Anon Family Groups calendar. Al-Anon is open to those who have been affected by another’s drinking.

Al-Anon International Conventions | Al-Anon Family Groups

Find more information about past, present or upcoming Al-Anon International Conventions. Recordings, MP3 Downloads or other services for Al-Anon Family Groups.

2018 Baltimore | Al-Anon Family Groups

Order a CD or MP3 recording of the 2018 Baltimore International Convention for Al-Anon Family Groups online or order by mail.