
Last Updated: 4.3.19
Contact: [email protected]

The client runs a website that provides information about different types of higher education opportunities.

  • Each paragraph corresponds to what we call a “Text Block”. They are between 30 to 50 words long.
  • The Text Blocks are short snippets of texts assembled together randomly by the Keystone system to create unique long texts on web pages.
  • The goal of these Text Blocks is to inform potential higher education students about a specific chosen topic (degree, field of study, country …)
  • Text Blocks should answer the question “What is [field of study]?” as uniquely as possible. All three text blocks in this batch will be about field of study. You basically answer “What is [field of study]?” three times in a unique way.

Target Audience: Those who visit the client’s website are looking for information about higher education opportunities available worldwide.  


Tone/Voice: More academic than colloquial.

Keywords:  The field of study listed in column D acts as the keyword. It must be used at least once in each text block, but please don’t overuse it.

Word Count: 30-50 words

Instructions: Go to the URL on column C of the spreadsheet. Copy and paste the field of study from column D in the search bar. Look at some of the program descriptions that come up to help you write these. Be sure to be unique with each one. If you don’t have enough information to write all 3, look at the context in Column E.

Context: Column E – this column gives you a context to help you find more information if you need it. For example, for International Cuisine, you can also search on Master Food and Beverage Studies if you didn’t get enough information to write all 3 the first time.

Here are some alternate URLs you can use for context:


  • Informative and engaging
  • Avoid addressing readers as “you”
  • Please do not use contractions as this reduces the formality of the writing.
  • Avoid absolutes.  Using “may instead of will”, “might instead of would” means our client is not making promises – only offering assistance.
  • These should be degree-neutral so that they can use them across all the sites. Make sure the field of study text blocks can be used across all websites for any degree or country. For instance, if your field of study is business, answer the question “What is business?” but do not mention a specific degree. Do not say: “A master in business is…”, but keep it as general as possible, because it will be combined later with any degree. Instead say: “Business studies are composed of finance…”
  • Include all 3 text blocks in a single Word document. Put the label in column D above each text block + the ID# from column N above each of the 3 text blocks on your page. See examples.

Text blocks for field of study must answer this question: “What is [field of study]?” For example, if your field of study is “business” write something like this:

Business programs provide students with a foundational understanding of business principles that prepare them for a career in small business, multinational corporations or government organizations.

Helpful Hint: Each text block must tie in with students of higher learning.  If it simply reads like a job description or travelogue, then it is only doing 1/2 of the job it needs to do!

Be sure that the 3 text blocks for the individual field of study are unique. 

  • Please save all 3 text blocks in a single Word document. Save the page as Keystone Text Blocks – [field of study] – [ID#s].
  • Example: Keystone Text Blocks – Advanced Certificate – 437-439
  • Example: Keystone Text Blocks – Aerospace – 58-60
  • Email Document to the submit box with the subject labeled Keystone Text Blocks – [ID#s]
  • Example: Keystone Text Blocks – Aerospace – 58-60

This was a block of three and the keyword was “Asian Business.” Your Word doc would look like this with all three text blocks on the same page.

Asian Business 120

Asian business programs help students learn the unique cultural intricacies and business practices of working with individuals and professionals in big and small corporations. Courses may also focus on government entities and other organizations from Asian countries.

Asian Business 121

Programs in Asian business focus on the cultural differences of Asian countries when it comes to business. Scholars may be able to better conduct business and work with individuals from these cultures after completion of the course.

Asian Business 122

People from Asian countries have their own unique business practices and culture. Asian business programs focus on those unique differences for those not from those countries, providing new perspectives and understanding.

This was a block of three and the keyword was “Broadcast Journalism.” Your Word doc would look like this with all three text blocks on the same page.

Broadcast Journalism 435

The study of broadcast journalism focuses on how to research, investigate and responsibly relay news electronically to viewers or listeners. The focus includes podcasts, documentaries, radio shows and internet articles.

Broadcast Journalism 436

The field of broadcast journalism pertains to how information is collected and electronically distributed to an audience. After researching and organizing material, it is shared via radio waves, the world wide web or television.

Broadcast Journalism 437

Broadcast journalism is no longer limited to just radio and television, it now also includes news delivered through the internet. When information is responsibly researched and then shared with the public through an electronic medium, it is referred to as broadcast journalism.

This was a block of three and the keyword was “Audio Engineering.” Your Word doc would look like this with all three text blocks on the same page.

Audio Engineering 73

Audio engineering programs expand the knowledge and skills of students interested in working with audio and sound. Hands-on experience working with recording equipment and software programs is often stressed.

Audio Engineering 74

Programs in audio engineering often focus on audio mixing, synthesis, equipment and tools and recording software. Students gain experience working in the recording studio that they can use in future pursuits.

Audio Engineering 75

A student who plans to work in a recording studio may benefit from the course material and hands-on experience from an audio engineering program. Such programs are often a stepping stone for higher education or better job prospects.